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Symphony taster – I am AWARENESS

15 září, 2024 @ 9:00 pm - 9:30 pm


What if you can change things by relaxing into space and allowing yourself to receive?

Symphony taster invites you into different energetic spaces. You can’t describe energy or define it, you can just relax and let yourself vibrate with it, be nurtured by it and be it.

We are so used to solving problems in our lives and what else is truly possible here? Let the Symphony take you into a space of relaxation, presence, magic and miracles.

AWARNESS … includes everything and juggles nothing. It also shows us that our point of view create our reality. Everything you are thinking and putting your energy to gets created.

What if you can be aware of what your points of view are creating? Not from the need to be in control of it but from the space of questions and possibilities.

We warmly invite you to play with us and the Symphony.

Simona Hrabalová a Kristýna Vodičková, certified facilitator

order HERE


15 září, 2024
9:00 pm - 9:30 pm